Private Radio


eQSL (what is it?)

In the meantime, many radio clubs have increased the “standard contribution” to 3 Dollar/Euro, although the letter rates in many countries is far below this amount. If you are unlucky, your QSL will be lost in the post. That’s why today the best way to exchange a QSL is eQSL. It is free, secure and fast.
It requires little storage space and is always available, e.g. on your PC or smartphone. You can send your eQSL by e-mail or save it in a DXcluster, where a QSO is automatically confirmed, provided the other station is also registered there with its own card. If you are a registered member of a DXcluster like,, or, you can create your own eQSL and save it there. For Romeo Charlie members, for example, it is standard to confirm by eQSL; non-RC operators have the option to receive the confirmation as an eQSL as well and can reply with their own eQSL. Other groups such as the Czech DX Club, Gruppo Italia Radio (GIR) or the Whiskey Mike DX Group have also introduced this system. So say goodbye to the dinosaur of paper QSL and switch to the future-proof eQSL!

Usually different sizes and formats are used, e.g.: (DX-Cluster)
Optimal image specs:
High quality JPG file (min. 70% quality)
Ratio of 14:9
Resolution of 300 dpi
Based on above:
Image with 1654×1063 pixel at 300 dpi
JPG file type only
2 MB max file size
output selectable as “Screen Version” JPG 1655px × 1655px / “Print” PDF DIN-A4

eQSL example
eQSL example (DC-Cluster)
in-/output size 600×400 px (72 dpi)
jpg/jpeg file only

eQSL file: input size 960×629 px / output size 960×750 px
JPG (72dpi)
eQSL example
eQSL example (DX-Cluster)
eQSL file: JPG
output-size 600×400 px JPG (72dpi)

If you does’nt have the possibility or the talent to build your own eQSL, please contact me and I will gladly do that for you, free of charge.

You can find a few examples here.